Our Science

Our Deep Immunomics platform enables rapid and large-scale mining of blood and tissue samples to identify tumor-specific T cell receptors (TCRs) for the development of safe and efficacious TCR-based therapeutics. Millions of T cells are probed for tumor antigen reactivity and deeply analyzed to generate high-dimensional and multimodal T cell profiles for tumor-specific TCR selection. Our antigen independent, in vitro-validated Machine Learning platform further leverages these T cell profiles to accelerate the identification of novel therapeutically relevant TCRs.
Deep Immunomics Platform
TargetScape® is ImmunoScape’s proprietary high-throughput screening platform for rapidly identifying and profiling tumor antigen-reactive T cells in blood and tissue samples at the single cell level. Combinatorial barcoding of peptide-MHC tetramers with high-dimensional cellular phenotypic analysis allows rapid identification and assessment of CD8+ T cells across thousands of tumor antigen candidates at the millions of cells scale.Tumor antigen-reactive CD8+ T cells are captured from TargetScape®-prioritized samples with full length paired TCR sequences linked to antigen reactivity, cell surface phenotypic and transcriptomic profiles. These naturally occurring tumor antigen-reactive TCRs are evaluated for therapeutic development.
A library of highly prevalent HLA alleles (HLA-A*01:01, HLA-A*02:01, HLA-A*03:01, HLA-A*11:01, HLA-A*24:02, HLA-B*07:02) facilitates TCR discovery for populations within North America, Europe and South East Asia. Our diverse array of targets includes many novel and ImmunoScape-exclusive shared tumor antigens across different solid tumor indications.
Machine Learning
TCAPS (T Cell, Antigen Phenotype and TCR Sequence) is ImmunoScape’s unique and comprehensive single-cell repository that links full length paired TCR sequences, gene expression and surface marker profiles with antigen specificity for each T cell.
Continuously growing through the multiomics data output from our Deep Immunomics platform, TCAPS is the foundation for our in vitro validated Machine Learning (ML) platform. Our proprietary ML models predict target specificity for T cells in an antigen-independent manner. This accelerates and enhances ImmunoScape’s TCR discovery workflow and allows in silico identification of additional novel tumor-specific TCR candidates.
TCR-Based Therapeutics
We develop best-in-class next generation TCR-based therapies for multiple solid tumors. In our autologous programs, we engineer cancer patients’ T cells to express tumor-specific TCRs (T cell receptor engineered T cells, TCR-T) for a safe and efficient anti-tumor treatment. Our evolving TCR portfolio encompasses several internal programs and opportunities for external partnering across different types of solid tumors and therapeutic modalities.